
The Dream
What if…
Every local church could become a fruitful, committed community of disciples who loved God, loved others and made more disciples everywhere they went? We believe this is possible.
The Revolution
Something HAS to change…
The culture is slipping away into the hands of the Enemy. The Church has been self-marginalized and continues to decline in the West—the ONLY place on the planet where it is NOT growing. A revolution is needed to overthrow the status quo and bring the Church to a place of new vitality.
The Mission
It's your choice…
So, how do we get there? Well, since everything about the Christian life is about incarnation, the Revolution will emerge through the transformation of people - specifically pastors and leaders.
The Dream
What if…
Every local church could become a fruitful, committed community of disciples who loved God, loved others and made more disciples everywhere they went?
Every pastoral leader knew who they were in Christ, knew what they were called to do for Him, had the skills to pull it off - AND the character to maintain their integrity throughout it all?
Every new church plant was established based on the “irreducible core” of Jesus' teachings, focusing on loving God, loving others and making disciples?
Every denomination or church network could become a move of God, energized by the Holy Spirit, vital in the life of Christ, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom across the planet?
We believe this is possible.
Not only that, we believe that it is probable. But it won't happen without change coming to the Church in the West. In fact, the change which is needed is of such a scale that nothing less than a spiritual revolution will be necessary.
At Praxis, we are looking to help facilitate this change by developing leaders in the Church of today and the ones that will be leaders in the Church of tomorrow. We are not satisfied with the status quo, and we're just not going to take it anymore! The gloves are coming off—we’re not holding back. So, if you are serious about God extending His Kingdom, read on—and join the Revolution.

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The Revolution
Something HAS to change…
The culture is slipping away into the hands of the Enemy. The Church has been self-marginalized and continues to decline in the West—the ONLY place on the planet where it is NOT growing. A revolution is needed to overthrow the status quo and bring the Church to a place of new vitality. But this cannot be a revolution of destruction, but one that brings life. It’s not about tearing down, but building up—and building with the simple principles of Jesus. “Church as usual” just doesn't work—and the Revolution is needed to usher in a new era.
The Revolution is not about angry pastors and leaders who are disgruntled with the Church and seek to utilize the platform of a revolution to execute their own personal agendas, seeking relief for their personal torment and pain. Rather, the Revolution is about pastors and leaders who are hungry for more, who realize that what the world calls “success” is not necessarily the same as obedience to God, that making an impression is not the same as having an impact, that having a crowd is not the same as having disciples of Christ, that transforming a neighborhood, a town, or a city can only take place where individuals and families are transformed, and the people that comprise the Community of Faith called the Church actually love God and love each other, living out the biblical reality of genuine koinonia.
The Revolution is an ever-growing movement in the landscape of Western Christianity and beyond that is igniting the passion of men and women of faith of various theological persuasions, age groups, and ethnicities to live out and incarnate a transformed Christian faith that seeks nothing less than encountering God authentically and daily, the total transformation of the self, our families, neighborhoods, cities, and living together as the family of God, a community of God’s sons and daughters. These men and women, these spiritual revolutionaries, are willing to “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship” in pursuit of Jesus and His Kingdom.
Every revolution has a Manifesto which defines the issues which the revolutionaries are trying to address. Click on the Adobe icon to read the Praxis Manifesto.
The Revolution is about being the Church, not just doing church. It is about living what matters most in life and settling for nothing less than becoming disciples who are captivated by the love of God in such a way that captivates the world around them. Still interested? Then read on—and join us in the Mission.
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The Mission
It's your choice…
So, how do we get there? Well, since everything about the Christian life is about incarnation, the Revolution will emerge through the transformation of people - specifically pastors and leaders.
We believe that deep within your heart is a passion to see God’s Kingdom extended. We can talk with great fervor about the mission and even execute wonderful marketing schemes that boldly declare our message but still lose sight of the one element that is meant to drive the Mission - LOVE for God which results in a LOVE for people. God is looking for a people whose eyes are wet, who have hearts that are broken and knees that are bent.
The Praxis Center mission is to re-orient pastors and leaders around what we call the “Irreducible Core” of Christianity, namely:
•Loving God (Matthew 22:37-28)
•Loving Others as yourself (Matthew 22:39)
•Making disciples as you go (Matthew 28:19)
Jesus made it clear with the two Great Relationships that we are to love God with all of our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. From these two Great Relationships we find the Great Commandment which tells us that as we go make disciples of all nations. From the Great Commandment the Bible makes it clear that we are to do this together as the Great Community (Acts 2:42-47).
The “Irreducible Core” makes it quite clear that the Mission is a relational enterprise that flows naturally from one’s relationship with God, resulting in love for others, the formation of community, and love that drives the community to make disciples as a way of life.
As a result, the ministry of Praxis is to resource through relationship, providing development for pastors and leaders through training, coaching, mentoring and consulting. Make the Dream a reality in your life and ministry. Join the Revolution and become a catalyst for change in the Church in the West. Engage in the Mission and be transformed!
The Dream is real. The Revolution has begun. The Mission is now. The Choice is yours.

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