Catalyze, Grow, Multiply
Praxis Construct
At Praxis, everything we do relates back to three things: leader development, church health and church multiplication. This framework is how we approach our service to local churches and denominational groups. These are key elements and symbiotically joined to each other, all of which are tied to the Great Commandments and the Great Commission of Jesus. Read on to see how we can help you in your area of need.

Leader Development

Church Health

Church Multiplication
Leader Development
Leaders bring the future. They are God’s agents to catalyze His preferred future in His Church and in His world. A disciples of Jesus leads out of who they are in Christ, consequently at Praxis or approach to leader development is holistic, engaging the whole person and the whole life – not just ministry. While ministry skill sets are important, so are the skills sets we need for deepening our relationship with God and others. Helping pastors and church planters with their own personal development through mentoring and training, as well as helping churches and denominations create leader development pathways are just some of the ways Praxis serves the Body of Christ in leader development. In addition, our Trivium Institute for Leader Development is a platform designed for local church leaders to develop more leaders, staff pastors and church planters right in their own churches. For more information on Trivium, click here.
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Church Health
The church is organic in its nature, with the spiritual and numerical growth of a local church being a function of its spiritual health. It’s about alignment with God’s intention and with what He is already doing – not just more human effort. Praxis works with both local churches and denominations in developing true, biblical spirituality centered in the “Irreducible Core” of the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:24-40) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We offer church and pastoral assessment, coaching, training and consulting to help churches and denomination maximize the growth potential Jesus has placed in every church, partnering with Him in seeing them grow.
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Church Multiplication
Healthy things grow and healthy things reproduce. Churches were meant to missionize through starting new groups, congregations and churches. The intentional reproduction of one local church community by starting others has been the way the Church has advanced the Gospel throughout the ages. The Praxis team is comprised of missionary church planters, some of whom are parent church pastors and formed denominational executives for church multiplication. The experience and gifting of the Praxis team can assist you through assessment, training for planters, coaches and assessors, coaching, and in cultivating church multiplication movements.
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