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A loving God put two guys, who are very different from one another, sovereignly together in relationship. From this relationship emerged The Praxis Center for Church Development. These two guys forward this program with the help and support of some amazing coaches/trainers and staff. Intregued? Read more about them below.

Tom Johnston

Co-Founder & Executive Director of The Praxis Center for Church Development

President of The Trivium Institute for Leader Development

Lead Pastor of The Trinity Life Community in Bedford, NH


Tom Johnston is the co-founder and Executive Director of Praxis, as well as the Lead Pastor of The Trinity Life Community, a church in southern New Hampshire. This church is the fifth which he has pastored with his wife Cathy, having previously planted four churches, with four more having been birthed from their ministry. Tom has raised up dozens of people into credentialed pastoral ministry. In addition, Tom has served as a denominational leader for church and leadership development, and church multiplication. He coaches denominational leaders across the Body of Christ in leadership development, church health and church multiplication systems, as well as providing mentoring, training and coaching for church planters. Tom is the co-author of four books with Mike Chong Perkinson. He resides just outside Manchester in Bedford, NH with his wife Cathy and their dog, Maggie.


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Mike Chong Perkinson

Senior Developer of The Praxis Center

President of The Trivium Institute


​Mike Chong Perkinson is the co-founder and Senior Developer of Praxis. He has planted four churches, revitalized four churches, been a youth pastor and created extensive church networks in California, Arizona and the Philippines. Currently Mike is the Network Lead and Superintendent of the Pacific Coast Japanese Conference in the Free Methodist Church. He has recently written Radically Living. Quietly Dying: Breaking the Cycle of Shame Suicidal No More. He has also co-authored five books with Dr. Tom Johnston. Mike is at the forefront of leadership training and development in the greater body of Christ, having created various schools of ministry throughout the Western United States. He holds an MA from Fuller Theological Seminary. Mike resides in Southern California with his wife, Teresa. They’ve been married since 1983 and have two intelligent and beautiful daughters.


Jodie McCay

Operations Coodinator for The Praxis Center​

Pastor at Trinity Life Community in Bedford, NH


Jodie McCay has been involved with Tom and Mike in Praxis since day one. She is the person who keeps everyone on track and moving forward into the calling God has for the team. Jodie facilitates all that is going on in and through the ministry of Praxis. If Jesus is doing something through Praxis, Jodie is somehow involved. She and her husband J. Alan are part of the pastoral team at Trinity Life Community with Tom Johnston. They have two daughters and a son, and currently live in Bedford, NH.

John Kimball

Coach, Consultant & Mentor for The Praxis Center


John Kimball is a pastor, church planter, ministry coach, denominational leader, author and speaker.  He serves as the lead pastor/planter of Palmwood Church, a one-year-old (as of 2016) congregation in Oviedo, Florida. He is Director of Church Development for the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, leading a national team of ten as they help congregations with assessment, training, coaching and resourcing in revitalization and refocused ministry. John is also a coach/trainer for The Praxis Center of Church Development, a ministry coach with CoachNet Global, a coach/consultant with NCD America and a certified peacemaker with Peacemaker Ministries. The 24th ordained minister in the last five generations, John has a strong heritage of local church ministry. He grew up in a mainline congregation, accepted Christ in a local Vineyard church, and then pursued his theological training in the School of Divinity at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA where he earned both his Master of Divinity in Practical Theology and his Doctor of Ministry in Global Evangelism Leadership with an emphasis in Missiology.  He has been in pastoral ministry for almost 30 years, serving in rural, suburban and national roles. The Kimball’s three children are all grown and serving the Lord.  John and his wife, Kathryn, live in Oviedo, Florida.

Steve Seipke

Coach, Consultant & Trainer for The Praxis Center

Church Planter Strategist with The American Baptist Churches of Vermont-New Hampshire


Steve's focus is on church revitalization. He has been a church planter, pastor, and denominational staff member, and currently serves as the pastor of First Baptist Church in Montpelier, VT. He coaches and provides training for church planters, pastors, and denominational leaders. Steve has been involved in ten church plants and a growing network of new church starts, and is a trained NCD Coach-Consultant. He holds an MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Steve and his wife, Cecilia, have been married since 1984, and reside in Vermont with their daughter and two sons.

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