Contextualized Church Development Process
What is LifeFlow?
LifeFlow is one of our most significant resources for local church development. It is a church development process created by Tom Johnston and Mike Perkinson out of years of working with thousands of pastors from more than thirty denominations. LifeFlow has proven to be an effective tool with more than 100 churches in a broad range of denominations now involved in LifeFlow.
The goal of the LifeFlow process is to help local congregations to be more effective and fruitful in their ministry. It is a “contextualized” process meaning that it will help each local pastor work with the Lord in discovering and implementing the key things that will bring the church to health and fruitfulness.
LifeFlow is for churches of all sizes and types and is not based on any particular model of ministry—just principles from the ministry of Jesus. It can help ANY church move forward in Christ.
How does LifeFlow work?
The LifeFlow process consists of three parts: learning, mentoring and implementing.
In the learning segment, the senior pastor and the leadership of their church join together in a “learning community” which will participate together for seven, day-long sessions to study seven key areas of ministry:
1. New Testament Ecclesiology—gaining a biblical view of what the Church is all about
2. Infusing the New Testament “DNA” in your leadership and congregation
3. Developing Discipleship Processes for your particular church
4. Creating a Leadership Development Pathway that fits your gifting and culture
5. How to Develop Your Congregation’s Evangelism and Community Witness
6. Forming and Implementing Strategic Vision for your congregation
7. Using the Natural Church Development Survey in your church
The mentoring element takes place in between the learning community sessions. Specially trained members of the Praxis team will serve as mentors for those pastors in the LifeFlow process, helping them understand the teachings and begin to make application to their churches. In addition, the mentor will walk alongside the pastors in several processes for their personal development:
• The Vista Assessment Process in which the senior pastor has three dialogs with the mentor to help them develop an understanding of their strengths and growth areas
• From this, the mentor helps the pastor put together a Personal Development Plan (PDP) which fosters the personal spiritual and specific ministerial development of the pastor
• Along with the PDP, the mentor helps the pastor develop a Philosophy of Ministry to use in leading and guiding the church
• The mentor also help the pastor in using the Natural Church Development Survey with the church for assessing the spiritual vitality of the congregation
The LifeFlow mentor will also help you in the implementing of your learning into your life and ministry, walking alongside you for up to twenty four months as a resource for you, both personally and for the ministry of your church.
Up to 24 months of personal mentoring for the pastor for both personal development and LifeFlow process implementation
How do I find out more?
If you’d like more information or have questions please contact us.